Call for Proposals

The TAICEP Conference and Professional Development Committees invite you to share your expertise by submitting a proposal to present a workshop or session at the TAICEP Conference, October 28-31, in Québec City, Québec, Canada.  

Conference Theme: "Fairness & Equity in Credential Assessments: What do these mean, are they important, & how to achieve?"

To submit a proposal, you will need to login. 

1) If you have attended a TAICEP conference in prior years, please use those login credentials. 

2) If this is your first TAICEP conference, please Create an Account.


Submit a Session Proposal


Whether you work at a higher education institution, independent agency, ENIC/NARIC office, government ministry, licensing authority, examination board, or something else entirely, we invite you to get involved!

In these changing times in credential evaluation our profession is being impacted by global trends in how documents travel, degree recognition, national qualification frameworks and conventions supporting. 

Submit a proposal that shares your knowledge, experiences, ideas and hopes or anything else that inspires you and will inspire others. From research to best practices, digital docs to qualification frameworks, this is the best opportunity in 2024 to highlight the growth in our field.

Submission Process and Deadlines:

All proposals should be submitted electronically through the CONFERENCE WEBSITE. You will be asked to provide a session title, description and learning objectives, along with the presenter biography and contact information for each co-presenter.

The submission deadline is Friday, February 16, 2024. Proposal approval notifications will be sent out by Monday, March 18, 2024. Presenters must submit their presentation slides one week before the conference (by October 21st) so they can be made available to attendees.

Presentation Format:

We strongly encourage creative presentations that are dynamic, engaging, and promote audience involvement. Presenters must bring their own laptops. Projectors, speakers, and internet access will be provided.

Please watch our webinar, "How to Create an Effective Conference Proposal."  

Concurrent breakout sessions will be held on October 28-31, and can be 60, 75 or 90 minutes in length. They can be offered in a variety of classroom formats, such as individual presentations, panel discussions, work in small groups, or interactive games. The 90-minute sessions should be designed to incorporate participant engagement through interactive activities such as credential sample reviews, etc.

TAICEP is offering ½-day pre-conference workshops that will be held on the morning of Monday October 28th. Pre-conference workshops offer in-depth topic exploration, with ample time for presentation, interactive discussion, case studies and hands-on work. These four-hour workshops are limited in size and should focus on teaching skills and providing new information. If you are interested in presenting on a topic that is too in-depth for the regular breakout sessions, we welcome workshop proposals.

Topics to Consider:

We welcome proposals from people of all backgrounds and levels of experience. With a diverse group of attendees, there is a need for sessions intended for both newcomers and advanced practitioners. We encourage topics that highlight the impact the challenges the last two years have had on global education systems, methodology and evaluation, quality assurance measures, and overall trends in international education.

While sessions do not need to reflect our conference theme, "Fairness & Equity in Credential Assessments: What do these mean, are they important, & how to achieve?", you are most welcome to do so. 

The key components of this theme are:

Fairness: Fairness in credential assessments means that the process of evaluating and recognizing qualifications or credentials should be impartial and just. It ensures that individuals are treated without bias or discrimination based on factors like race, gender, nationality, or socio-economic background. Fairness also implies that the evaluation criteria are transparent and consistently applied to all applicants.

Equity: Equity in credential assessments pertains to ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to have their qualifications recognized and valued, regardless of their backgroundor circumstances. It involves addressing disparities and barriers that may prevent certain groups or individuals from accessing recognition and opportunities.

Importance: The theme suggests that fairness and equity in credential assessments are crucial for several reasons. It is vital for promoting social justice, facilitating international mobility, and recognizing the skills and knowledge of a diverse range of individuals. Fair and equitable credential assessments can contribute to a more inclusive and just society.

How to Achieve: This part of the theme emphasizes the practical aspect of the conference. It invites discussions and presentations on strategies and best practices for achieving fairness and equity in credential assessments. This may include topics like developing standardized evaluation criteria, implementing anti-bias measures, and considering alternative methods for assessing credentials.

The conference aims to explore various perspectives on this theme, including the role of conventions, the philosophy behind credential assessment, the impact of cultural and economic factors, and the significance of adequate training for those responsible for credential evaluation.

In essence, we endeavor to share ideas and practices on how to make the credential assessment process fair and equitable, ultimately benefiting individuals seeking recognition for their qualifications and society. 

If you have any questions concerning the Call for Proposals, please contact Staci Bernhard at

Thank you!


Submit a Session Proposal


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